Main OBDII cable for FORD VCM II, Mazda VCM II , used to connect FORD VCM II interface with vehicle, This OBD2 Cable can also be used for VCM 5 Diagnostic Tool.
Read the fault code, clear the fault code, read the data stream.
Draw data flow curve system settings.
Control unit programming, self checking, recording and playback.
Draw data flow curve system settings.
Control unit programming, self checking, recording and playback.
Package List:
Previous: Lowest Price Main Unit Of V4.94 Digiprog III Digiprog 3 Odometer Programmer With OBD2 Cable
Recommend Items
- US$29.99
- US$268.00
- US$449.00
- US$94.05
- US$699.00
- US$379.00
- US$659.00
- US$7.99
- US$245.00
- US$170.05
- US$52.99
- US$259.00
Special Items
- US$19.99
- US$80.74
- US$245.00
- US$399.00
- US$89.00
- US$94.00
- US$1,499.00
- US$169.00
- US$229.00
- US$998.00
- US$39.99
- US$79.00